Story by Joseph Moronez
Staff Writer
Microsoft revealed the next generation of its Xbox console at its headquarters in Washington on Tuesday.
And it wasn’t called the Xbox 720.
The new system is called the Xbox One because, as Don Mattrick, president of Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft said, it contains all the entertainment someone needs in one box.
“Our unique, modern architecture brings simplicity to the living room and, for the first time ever, the ability to instantly switch across your games and entertainment,” Mattrick said in a press release.
The Xbox One will also come with a built in Blue-Ray drive, anew feature hat the Xbox 360 did not have.
The new system will have voice control transferring from the game by simply saying, “Xbox TV” or by going to the dashboard by saying “Xbox Home.”
Every Xbox One comes with the Kinect, which has been upgraded to do greater things, including monitoring a player’s heart rate and turning on upon voice control.
Hand motions will also take users to the homepage and a PC drive will enhance the graphics.
However, some current Xbox owners might be disappointed with a few features.
Xbox 360 games will not be playable on the Xbox One because the new console has a PC drive that is far more advanced, and the 360’s games graphics are too low to be sustained on the new console.
In addition, players will have to pay fees for used games, since each new game comes with an installation code to play it.
With the announcement of the system came previews for several new games, including the latest in the “Call of Duty” franchise, “Call of Duty: Ghosts.”
Microsoft also announced that there will be 15 exclusive games this year, and eight of those will be new franchises. One new big game that is going to come out for the system is “Destiny.” Bungie is the developer of the game and say it will be the next big game. It is a role-playing first-person-shooter. Other games include “Quantum Break”, “Watch Dogs” and “FIFA 2014.”
While most Bishop Amat students are excited about the new video game system, some features disappoint them.
“The fact that I have to pay extra for a fee because I want a used game gets me mad and that I can’t play 360 games,” junior Kenneth Tarroza. “Although, at least I know it’s for a good reason because the graphics on the new console are going to be amazing.”
Other Students are excited on how the console functions.
“I am excited about the new games and that everything about the console and Kinect is voice control,” senior Chris Morales said.
Although, some students are just trying to understand the name.
“I understand why they named it the Xbox One, but I still don’t like it since it’s not the first Xbox,” junior Luc Maynor said.