Lancers party at first indoor rally of the year

Last year, as students came back from remote learning towards the end of the year,  Bishop Amat had a two-day “fun week,” where only half of the student body participated in. 

The juniors and seniors have experienced at least one Pep Week in their time as a Bishop Amat student, but for the Freshman and Sophomores, this is their first one.

According to students, look forward to Pep Week every year because of the fun dress, football game on Friday, and Homecoming dance Saturday. 

Homecoming is a dance that everyone loves and enjoys. Pep Week happens to fall perfectly with it.

ASB created many interesting and fun themes that the Students of Bishop Amat are able to dress to.

The themes of this week’s pep week included Twin Day, Team Tuesday, Walt Disney Day, Theology Thursday, Class Theme Celebrate the Holidays.

Students were able to express themselves and show off in their best attire.

Freshman Emily Medina said she was excited to have her first pep week at Amat, even though we are wearing masks. She was happy to see all of her friends dress out for Walt Disney Day, where she was actually Minnie Mouse. 

“It’s fun,” she said. “I like how everyone goes all out and dresses for the different days that we have had so far. My favorite day was Walt Disney Day because everyone really went all out and there were many different costumes.” 

Senior Janelle Santos said she has had a great time this pep week where she dressed as Moana on Disney Day, to where she will be singing at mass on Thursday for Theology Thursday.

“This week has been fun since we haven’t done thins in two years,” she said. “Disney Day was my favorite Day but I am also excited to be the Cat from Hocus Pocus on Friday this week.” 

Senior Karina Romero was concerned to be back at school because it has been a while since she has been fully back on campus. She was excited to have her first pep week in almost two years. The pandemic affected Karina as she did not like being home. Even something as simple as a week of dressing in creative outfits changed her perspective on being back in school. 

 “I think it was very fun,” Romero said. “Many people got creative with their outfits. Overall this was the best week I have had since being back at Bishop Amat.” 

Many students are excited for the future where we will have spirit week. COVID was an unexpected thing that shocked all of us. It took many things away from us and sadly school was a big part of it. With not being in school, we lost out on many fun events. Dressing out for Pep Week and Spirit week was one of many that were taken away. Hopefully, we can end the year with fun and be able to have a Spirit Week.