Girls flip expectations for Sadie Haskins’ dance


Sofia Angulo successfully asked Tobin O’dell to sadies.

The Bishop Amat Sadie Hawkins Dance provides female students a chance to ask their fellow classmates to an entertaining evening at Knotts Berry Farm.

Despite the laid back atmosphere, students still worry about the expectations set for proposals.

“I was scared, you are in front of a bunch of people and they all are watching you,” said freshman Jalen Rangel.

Despite the nerves, asking someone to Sadie’s can still be a fun experience.
Senior Avery Rangel explains what she enjoys about asking someone to Sadie’s.

“It’s a lot of fun asking people, working on the poster, and the buildup before,” she said.

Whether they are going to Sadie’s with someone else or just with friends, students can look forward to the many memories they will make at the Sadie Hawkins dance.

Avery Rangel recaps her memories throughout her three previous years at Sadie’s describing why she wants to go again.

“I think the best part about Sadie’s is having fun with all your friends, going on all the rides, and spending time with everyone,” she said.

Junior Edith Mendoza also explained she is looking forward to spending time with her date, Aiden Ochoa, at this year’s Sadie’s after not going last year.

“I’m just looking forward to spending time with him,” she said.

Bishop Amat’s Annual Sadie Hawkins Dance took place on March 7 at Knotts Berry Farm.